
Ready to Launch Your Side Business?

👩🏽‍💻 Dream Clients Don't Have to Be a Dream! Here's How to Find Yours

Dream Clients Don't Have to Be a Dream!
Here's How to Find Yours

I've been where you are, dreaming of building something amazing but unsure how to attract the clients who will truly appreciate your work.

Finding your perfect match in clients isn't just a game-changer; it's the heart of a thriving business.

Let's get you set up to attract those dream clients!

Why Finding Your Dream Clients Matters

Imagine working with clients who get you, value your services, and make your workday feel like a breeze.

That's the dream, right?

Well, it's totally possible! When you connect with the right clients, you:

  • Enjoy your work more (no more draining, difficult clients!)
  • Build a stronger, more loyal client base
  • Achieve steady growth and fulfillment in your business

When you're working with clients who appreciate your unique skills and offerings, your job becomes a joy instead of a chore.

These clients will not only stick around longer but also refer you to others, creating a positive cycle of growth and satisfaction.

Know Your Ideal Client

First things first: who are your dream clients?

Think about the people you enjoy working with most.

What are their characteristics?

What do they need?

Getting super clear on who your ideal client is will help you attract them.

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location, income level, and occupation
  • Psychographics: Interests, values, lifestyle, and behavior
  • Pain Points: The specific problems they face that you can solve

Write down a detailed description of your ideal client.

The clearer you are, the easier it will be to spot them and tailor your marketing efforts to attract them.

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

What makes you special?

Your USP is the magic sauce that sets you apart from the crowd.

It’s that unique blend of skills, experience, and personality that only you bring to the table.

Make sure your USP shines through in all your marketing materials and conversations.

  • Identify Your Strengths: What do you do better than anyone else?
  • Highlight Your Experience: What past successes can you showcase?
  • Showcase Your Personality: How can you connect on a personal level?

Your USP should be clear and compelling, making it obvious why someone should choose you over a competitor.

Where to Find Them

Now that you know who you're looking for and what makes you special, it’s time to go where your dream clients hang out.

Whether it's on social media, in specific online communities, or at certain events, being visible in the right places is key.

  • Online Spaces: Facebook groups, LinkedIn, Reddit, industry-specific forums
  • Offline Events: Networking events, industry conferences, local meetups
  • Content Platforms: Blogs, podcasts, webinars, YouTube

Show up consistently in these spaces, engage with potential clients, and build relationships.

Being active and visible in the right places will naturally draw your ideal clients to you.

Speak Their Language

Your dream clients need to feel like you're speaking directly to them.

Use the language and tone they resonate with in your marketing messages.

Show them you understand their pain points and how you can solve them.

  • Empathy: Acknowledge their struggles and show you understand
  • Solutions: Clearly explain how you can help them overcome their challenges
  • Benefits: Highlight the positive outcomes they can expect

Craft your messages to resonate with their specific needs and desires.

When they feel understood, they're more likely to trust you and want to work with you.

Offer Value First

Build trust by offering value before asking for anything in return.

Share your expertise through blog posts, free workshops, or helpful social media content.

This positions you as a go-to expert and attracts clients who are already primed to work with you.

  • Educational Content: Blog posts, videos, webinars that solve their problems
  • Free Resources: E-books, checklists, templates
  • Interactive Sessions: Q&A sessions, live chats, free consultations

By providing valuable content, you show your expertise and generosity, making potential clients more likely to choose you when they're ready to invest.

Consistent Follow-Up

Building relationships with your dream clients takes time.

Follow up with leads consistently and nurture those connections.

Show genuine interest in their needs and how you can help.

  • Personalized Emails: Tailored follow-ups based on past interactions
  • Social Media Engagement: Comment, like, and share their content
  • Regular Check-Ins: Periodic updates to stay top-of-mind

Consistency in your follow-up shows that you care and are committed to helping them succeed, which builds trust and rapport.

Progress over perfection.

Embrace the idea that small, imperfect steps forward are better than staying stuck in overthinking mode.

Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and keep moving forward.

Schedule dedicated time each week to work on client attraction activities.

Whether it’s networking, creating content, or following up with leads, consistency is key.

Time Blocking: Set specific times for client attraction tasks

Prioritize: Focus on the most impactful activities first

Track Progress: Keep a log of your efforts and results

Effective time management ensures you're consistently working towards attracting your ideal clients without feeling overwhelmed.

Looking Ahead

Next week, we'll dive into the clear signs that your specific target audience is eagerly waiting for your unique brand of awesomeness.

In the meantime, think about these next steps:

  • Craft your ideal client profile: Take some time this week to really flesh out your ideal client persona. The more detailed you are, the easier it will be to attract them.

  • Identify your USP: What makes you the most incredible choice for your ideal client? Highlight your strengths and showcase your personality to stand out from the crowd.

  • Start showing up! Research where your ideal client hangs out online and offline. Make a plan to be consistently visible in those spaces and start building relationships.

Remember, attracting your dream clients is a process, but by implementing these steps, you'll be well on your way to building a thriving business filled with amazing clients who value your magic! ✨


Exclusive VIP Waitlist: Lean Business Plan Writing Workshop

Are you a hardworking woman with an amazing business idea, ready to turn your talents into a successful business?

Or maybe you're already running your own business but want to make your business plan better for long-term success.

If you said yes to either of these, then I have some super exciting news just for you!

As a special member of my email newsletter group, I'm thrilled to invite you to join the exclusive VIP waitlist for my upcoming Lean Business Plan Writing Workshop.

This 2-day weekend workshop is made especially for women like you who have a lot on their plate but still want to make their business dreams come true.

Whether you're working a corporate job and ready to start your own business or you're someone with a business idea who needs step-by-step help, this workshop is perfect for helping you create a simple, practical business plan that works for your specific needs and goals.

During the workshop, you'll get to:

  • Figure out what makes your business special and who your ideal customers are
  • Create a strong marketing and sales plan
  • Make a financial plan that helps you reach your goals
  • Meet and connect with other ambitious women to support each other, and stay in touch afterwards through our alumni Slack channel!
  • Get personal feedback and guidance from me

As a VIP waitlist member, you'll get:

  • First dibs on signing up before everyone else
  • Special early bird pricing when registration opens
  • Extra resources and materials to help you get ready for the workshop
  • A private Q&A session with me before the workshop starts

Spots will be very limited, and the VIP waitlist is your opportunity to secure your spot before anyone else.

If you're ready to take action and make your business dreams a reality while still being a boss at your day job, click here to join the VIP waitlist today.

I can't wait to welcome you to the workshop and support you on your journey as you turn your skills into a successful, long-lasting business!

Kristina Portella

From Blank Page to Business Plan in a Weekend

Website | 👩🏽‍💻Writing Workshops

P.S. Before you go, I have a small favor to ask.

If you found this newsletter helpful, please consider sharing it with a friend or colleague who might also benefit from learning about lean planning and overcoming overthinking.

Just forward this email or share this link: for them to subscribe and join our community of ambitious entrepreneurs 💕

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Ready to Launch Your Side Business?

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