
Ready to Launch Your Side Business?

👩🏽‍💻 This Common Problem Could Be Your Next Big Business Idea

This Common Problem Could Be Your Next Big Business Idea

Ever find yourself muttering “There’s got to be a better way” at work?

I know the feeling all too well.

For years, I was in your shoes, drowning in proposals, strategic plans, and endless meetings.

I craved a more creative outlet and a chance to make a real impact.

That’s why I started Business Plans Made Easy.

But my journey didn’t begin there. It all started with the same frustrations you face every day...

Let me show you how to uncover golden opportunities hiding in your daily work.

Your “Workplace Woes to Business Wins” Game Plan

1. Gripe List (10 Minutes)

Jot down everything that irritates you at work.

You can use sticky notes, a list, or a digital format—whatever works best for you!

Remember, no complaint is too small!

For instance, some of my biggest frustrations were:

  • Filling out repetitive forms and applications
  • Chasing down approvals from multiple stakeholders
  • Feeling creatively stifled by rigid proposal formats and management (you know, the same old tune)

These frustrations might sound familiar, but what if they were the key to you starting your side business?

2. Solution Brainstorm (10 Minutes)

For each problem, ask: “How could this be better?”

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • User-friendly online platform to streamline an application process
  • Project management tool for writers to track approvals and deadlines
  • Creative writing templates that inspire compelling proposals

These are just a few examples.

What solutions can you come up with based on your work challenges?

3. Reality Check (10 Minutes)

Ask yourself:

  • Is this a common problem in your field?
  • Why don’t current solutions work well?
  • What unique idea can you bring?

Remember, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

But by focusing on a specific pain point and offering a better solution, you can create a thriving business.

Want more business ideas? Your day job could be a goldmine. Discover surprising ways to turn your 9-to-5 skills into entrepreneurial success. Read our article, "10 Surprising Ways Your 9-to-5 Skills Can Fuel Your Entrepreneurial Success."
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From Problem to Profit: Real-Life Inspirations

These entrepreneurs turned everyday frustrations into thriving businesses:

Canva: Melanie Perkins turned her frustration with hard design software into an easy-to-use platform now worth billions.

Slack: Stewart Butterfield and his team turned communication problems into a tool that helps millions work better together.

Your Next Steps

  • Think it Through: Really think about your idea and why it’s good.
  • What Can You Do? Figure out what you’re good at and what you need help with.
  • Draw it Out: Sketch a simple picture of your idea to make it clear.
  • Check What’s Out There: See what else is similar to your idea.
  • Money Matters: Plan how much it will cost and how you’ll make money.

Doubt-Busting Reminders

  • Most successful businesses make existing ideas better.
  • Many successful companies started as side projects.
  • Your work experience can be more valuable than an MBA.

Every successful entrepreneur started just like you.

Let’s Turn Your Ideas into Reality

Don’t let your great ideas sit on the shelf.

Every cool thought deserves a chance to become something real.

Think Bigger

Look past problems. Find the good stuff hidden inside them.

Every challenge is a chance to create something new.

Write down every idea, even the small ones.

You never know what might spark your next big project.

Make Time to Dream

Spend 30 minutes each day working on your business idea.

Pick a time when your mind is fresh and creative.

Doing this every day is the key to making your dreams happen.

Celebrate Your Wins

Every little step forward is a win.

Give yourself credit for what you’ve done.

It will keep you motivated and focused.

Ready to make your idea a reality?

My weekend workshop will teach you how to turn your idea into a solid business plan.

Learn everything from who your customers are to how much money you need.

Building a business takes time and hard work. Start small and keep going.

Your idea has the power to grow into something amazing.

Kristina Portella

From Blank Page to Business Plan in a Weekend

Website | 👩🏽‍💻Writing Workshops

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Ready to Launch Your Side Business?

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